Refugee Services by HR

Refugee Services by HR

HR assists refugees in rebuilding their lives in new countries after being displaced by conflict or persecution. Our programs help refugees integrate and thrive.

Resettlement Aid

We provide recently arrived refugees with furnished homes, food, clothing,
employment services, and community orientation.

Language Training

We offer free English classes to refugees of all ages to remove language barriers and enable participation in schools, jobs, and society.

Cultural Integration

We organize community events, mentorship programs, and cultural sharing activities to foster understanding between refugees and locals

Education Access

We enroll refugee youth in schools, equip them with supplies, and provide tutoring to allow them to continue their education.

Registration and ticketing made easy

Join the community to give education for children

Legal Assistance

Navigating a new legal system is difficult. We offer guidance on immigration procedures, documentation, and refugees’ rights.

Women & Girls Programs

Our initiatives deliver healthcare, skills training, childcare, and support networks to empower refugee women and girls.

Mental Health Services

Refugees have often endured trauma. Our counselors address PTSD, grief, and depression to support healing and well-being.

Job Training & Placement

We provide career coaching, vocational training, resume help, and employer partnerships to aid refugees seeking employment.